On October 21, 2013, PG&E submitted, as required by the CPUC, an advice letter (4305-E) proposing a tariff for meter aggregation projects. The issuance of the advice letter was a step in the right direction, but the tariff itself is problematic. As proposed, it will limit the number of projects eligible for meter aggregation, it will result in generated kWh being forfeited to PG&E, and it won’t be available for another four or five months.
So I submitted a protest earlier today, well in advance of the CPUC’s November 12, 2013 deadline for submitting protests. I am hoping that the CPUC will use this time to convince PG&E to modify their tariff based on the issues I have raised, and that “594 projects” can be implemented, as intended, without further delay.
Please read my protest and let the CPUC (EDtariffunit@cpuc.ca.gov) know that you support my position.
Thanks and Happy Halloween!
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