The CPUC’s Energy Division reviewed the opening and reply comments submitted in response to the original Draft Resolution (DR) that was published on August 16, 2013. The Final Resolution had a couple of minor revisions. Here is an excerpt from the Comments section:
… Recolte Energy correctly observes that SB 594 does not mandate that the CPUC determine whether cost shifting exists when comparing aggregated DG systems against the cost of NEM, but rather, whether cost shifting exists when comparing aggregated DG systems against the total cost of multiple disaggregated NEM systems.
While the Commission sympathizes with the IOUs’ concerns about increased interconnection costs and expenses, they have not furnished any interconnection cost data upon which to conclude that SB 594 would increase costs for nonparticipating customers. … the IOUs’ argument is based on speculation that NEM aggregation may increase interconnection costs.
The resolution was listed as item #38 on the CPUC’s regular agenda and then got moved to the consent agenda, where it was approved yesterday.
This is a huge step forward, but not the final step. The utilities have 30 days to file advice letters revising their tariffs to accommodate SB 594. Let’s see what they come up with.
Thanks for your support.
Have a great weekend.
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