Remember this sentence from my last blog? “Current NEM customers and those who will have interconnected their systems before the earlier of their utility reaching its 5% NEM cap and July 1, 2017 are called NEM Transition customers. “
The utilities aren’t required to sign NEM agreements once they reach their 5% NEM caps.
PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E submitted advice letters today which show their NEM percentages as of October 31, 2014. They are required to report this information on a monthly basis.
Their current levels are:
- PG&E: Installed 1, 241 MW (2.58%). Available: 1,168 MW (2.42%).
- SCE: Installed 931 MW (2.08%). Available: 1,309 MW (2.92%).
- SDG&E: Installed 329 MW (2.7%). Available: 278 MW (2.3%).
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