NEMA, NEMV, CCA, and other scary acronyms

I hope you are well. Eight months have elapsed since I last wrote about meter aggregation, and there has been forward and backward movement, so here is an update: Meter aggregation tariffs – NEMA, NEM-AG, and NEM Aggregation – are now available in PG&E, SDG&E,...

NEMA tariff available in PG&E territory

The CPUC approved PG&E’s advice and supplemental advice letters yesterday, making PG&E’s NEMA tariff effective immediately. This is great news, but it didn’t excite me as much as it should have, because a few hours before sending out this news, the CPUC issued...

PG&E modifies Meter Aggregation Tariff

I’ve good news to report. PG&E filed a supplemental advice letter yesterday in response to a request from the CPUC to address various parties’ protests of its advice letter. The supplemental advice letter addressed my concerns related to adjacent/contiguous...

SB 594 and NEM Transition Update

I spoke with Gabe Petlin of the CPUC on the 19th about PG&E’s meter aggregation tariff. I believe – no promises are made on these phone calls – that the CPUC will ask PG&E in early January to submit a supplemental advice filing in response to our protests....

PG&E Advice Filing 4305-E Filing suspended

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. PG&E and the other investor owned utilities submitted their responses to the various parties’ protests on the 19th of November. Their responses – here is PG&E’s – essentially asked the CPUC to disregard our protests. On the...

Récolte Energy Protest of PG&E Advice Filing 4305-E

On October 21, 2013, PG&E submitted, as required by the CPUC, an advice letter (4305-E) proposing a tariff for meter aggregation projects. The issuance of the advice letter was a step in the right direction, but the tariff itself is problematic. As proposed, it...